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Quiz | 10 questions | 3 min


Going back to school can be an exciting step toward a brighter future, both personally and professionally. To get the most out of the experience, make sure you choose the right degree program. Not sure which program suits you best? We’ve got you covered with our academic program calculator!

Answer a short series of questions, and we’ll deliver our recommendation for your ideal academic program—one that’s aligned with your:

💡 Experience and aptitude
😍 Passions and values
👔 Career goals

Let’s get started! ➡️

Find out what program is right for you

What is your first name?
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What is the highest level of education you have completed?

Field is required

What best describes your current role?

Field is required
Please fill out a description

How do you feel about your current role or job?

Field is required

What stage of your career are you in

Field is required

What are your goals?

Field is required

What are you passionate about? Pick your top two choices

Field is required
Must select two goals
Limit to selecting two goals

What value is most important to you?

DEBUG BOX FOR PK. current assigned fields of study:

Field is required

Do you need financial aid?

Field is required

What is your email?

Field is required
Please submit a valid email address

We're calculating your results. Please Wait...

debug section

What is the highest level of education you have completed?
What best describes your current role?
How do you feel about your current role or job?
What stage of your career are you in
What are your goals?
What are you passionate about? Pick your top two choices
What value is most important to you?
Do you need financial aid?

decision tree results:
TieBreak :
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